When you serve, it’s an opportunity to see someone’s life changed and for your faith to grow. Want to see what God can do through you? Begin serving right away and see the immediate difference you can make.

Our Ministries


Pastor’s Support

Engages the congregation with ideas, events, and words of encouragement that center the Pastor for uplifting and encouragement.


Dance Team

Using the temple The Lord has granted us to uplift the congregation and magnify His name.

Praise Team

Elevating the Gospel by song and music. Sending our honor and glory to Heaven while moving the souls here on Earth.



Spiritual caregivers focusing on unifying and serving the congregation as extensions of the Pastor’s vision.



Serving and engaging with the local community, extending God’s love to all that we can reach.


Enriching and empowering women through God’s love and messages.



Allowing for those 18 and younger to cultivate their own personal relationship with our Lord through activities, events, and readings.